Young woodworkers

Seven potential young carpenters received their first lessons in working with wood last weekend when we opened our joinery workshop to lead an introductory session for pupils in years 1 to 3. The young apprentices were introduced to skills such as measuring, sawing, sanding, using hammers and nails, and accurately assembling their pieces. They each made a bird box.
“My Grandad was a very practical man and introduced me to working with wood at an early age.” said Andrew Stowe, (Managing Director). “Few young children have that opportunity nowadays so I am keen that we do what we can to give children a hand’s-on experience of making things with wood. At least they can now think that working with wood is something they might like to do.”
There are plans to repeat the workshops, possibly as a Saturday club or holiday series where parents and children are able to work together on small projects such as a small bookstand, a stool or tray.