New Living Spaces for Ipswich Town House

Single-storey side extension to form new breakfast room. Renovation of the utility room, bathrooms and cellar.

Small Barn Conversion

Underpin barn and convert to dwelling including new slab, roof, doors and windows

Six Town Centre Apartments

Conversion of delapidated listed townhouse to six flats with new thermal and sound insulation, mechanical and electrical systems

Aldeburgh Home

Complete internal refurbishment and remodelling, extension to rear, four bedrooms with ensuite, extensive landscaping, new double garage

60’s house to modern ecohome

Full remodelling with extensions on four sides. New roofs and floors. Install energy efficient heating and thermal cladding to external walls

Newbuild Garage & Refurbished Garden Room

Build new double-garage, refurbish garden rooms and build oak log store

Easton Grange Cottages

New windows & external cladding

1960’s home transformed

Demolish existing extension. New side and rear double height extension with gallery and balcony. New cedar-clad semi-loggia. Refurbish throughout.

Primary School refreshed

Redecoration of the interior, asbestos removal and replacement of tiled roof.

Seafront Renovation

Full refurbishment. Two outdated houses become one with wheelchair access and modern facilities. Great sea views.